Postgraduate Researchers

Katalin Demeter, Research Assistant, UCD

Katalin Demeter is a research assistant at the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science of University College Dublin.

She completed her master's degree in Molecular Biology in her home country in Hungary in 2008. In 2009 she acquired a master's degree in environmental management from the French National Institute of Applied Sciences in the frame of a French Governmental Merit Scholarship. She moved to Ireland the same year and since then she has been involved in water related research in Professor Wim Meijer's group in UCD. She is interested by not only the scientific aspect but also the regulatory and management aspects of water quality.

She is working as a research assistant with Wim Meijer on the microbiological part of the Smart Coasts = Smart Communities project.

Olga Zlydareva, Research Assistant, UCD

In June 2005 Dr. Zlydareva received her Master's degree of Science in Designing Electronic Systems from Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Russia. Her specialisation was the Filters for High Radio Frequency Devices. During this time she also worked as a designer of electronic high frequency devices in the Engineering Centre of Low Noise Microwave Devices, Moscow.

In March 2009, Dr. Zlydareva received her PhD in Telecommunications from Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Trento. The main topic of her research was the development of the multi-standard architecture for the physical layer of mobile devices.

Between January 2010 and September 2011, Dr. Zlydareva was a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Eindhoven University of Technology on the EU-FP7 IAPP project Partnership for the Development of Cognitive Radio.

Olga is working with Professor Gregory O’Hare on telecommunication aspects of the Smart Coasts project, at CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies.

Diana Carvalho e Ferreira, Research Assistant, UCD

After completing her BSc and MSc in Informatics Engineering at the University of Coimbra, with First Class Honours, Diana joined the MIT-Portugal Program to pursue her PhD at Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon, concluding it in 2012.

In 2007, Diana was awarded a four year Doctoral Research Grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, and in 2011, a Visiting PhD Studentship at MIT. Other honours and awards she received include Merit Scholarships from the University of Coimbra and the Rotary Club Portugal. Diana has also gathered some teaching experience, starting as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Coimbra and progressing to Assistant Lecturer.

Diana is currently working with Professor Gregory O’Hare on the computer science elements of the Smart Coasts project, at CLARITY: Centre for Sensor Web Technologies.

Aisling Corkery, PhD Student, UCD

Aisling Corkery is a PhD Student in the Centre for Water Resources Research, University College Dublin. Aisling Corkery graduated with a BSc in Zoology from University College Dublin and continued her studies in the Dublin Institute of Technology, gaining a BE in Structural Engineering. Following a number of years employed as an Engineering Consultant, she obtained an MSc in Water Resources Management from Queens University Belfast, graduating with distinction.

Her MSc research project involved assessing saline intrusion in the River Lagan, where she gained considerable experience in the hydrodynamic modelling of coastal and estuarine waters and Geographic Information Systems.